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Power BI Q&A: July 2020 Update

Power BI Desktop includes enhancements to the Q&A visual with its July 2020 update. Highlights of the release are:

  • Inclusion of Field Synonyms in Q&A setup

  • Orange underline for ambiguous keywords

I have recently posted a blog on adding and configuring a Q&A visual in Power BI. This article is an extension of that.

Earlier, we can add field synonyms using the model view; however, with July 2020 update, it is now in the Q&A set up with some added features.

Defining the scope of Q&A

The first option is the flexibility to include a table from the scope of Q&A:

Turning off the feature hides the keywords and suggestions from the table in the Q&A

For example, Q&A does not recognize the term returned SalesAmount when we turn off the dtReturns from Q&A, though it returned the result

When turned on, it recognizes the term:

Additionally, we can define the scope at the column level:

Field Synonyms

It is an advanced version of what we saw in the previous article using the model view. With July 2020 update, it provides a list of suggested terms, which we can use to train our Q&A visual.

Q&A setup now has two segments for defining keywords: Terms over Suggested terms. It prioritizes terms over suggested terms, so if we want to keep one of the suggested terms, use the plus sign to add it to the list of terms. Or we can add our new term using Add

It provides the option to reorder or delete the keywords.

Orange underline for an ambiguous term

If we recall, in a Q&A visual, blue underline signifies that it understands the keywords. In contrast, it shows a red double underline for terms that Q&A does not understand. With July 2020 update, we get an orange dotted underline for the terms for ambiguous terms.

Though it might return the desired result, we need to either rephrase our question or train the Q&A accordingly.


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